


The most primitive relationship that occurs between two forms is “energy transfer.

There are moments when I suddenly feel the beauty of the relationship between body and object. When you receive an object that is thrown to you as if it were being sucked into your hand, or when you run a pen through the air and it draws a smooth line with no effort at all. It is a moment when some principle of motion is established without excess or deficiency. This movement of energy is not a “physical law of random nature” like, for example, the shape of a leaf vein or the trajectory of a raindrop, and the experience of viewing it is different from some kind of artificial or mechanical aesthetic sensation, such as seeing a well-proportioned figure. It is a “physical feeling” that emerges when the shapes and quirks of the human body, the shapes of objects, and the laws of physics are in harmony.

Juggling is a technique that controls these three aspects of the human body, objects, and physical laws. The tools often used are primitive objects such as points, lines, and rings, and sometimes even the body is treated as a “form. The root of the juggling technique lies in the most abstract way of “transferring energy between objects and bodies. In this work, the challenge is to use computer graphics techniques to capture the “physical pleasure that arises in the connection between body and object.

Direction / Usic / Programming / Performance : Teruki Okamoto
Lighting : Takamasa Yamada
Video : Masahiro Sekiya
Production : Kenji Matsumae
Special Thanks : PM Juggling