「動きは内発的に発生しない、外から入ってきた情報やエネルギーによって誘発されるのみだ」という振付へのスタンスはこの頃から一貫している。そのパフォーマンスを中心とした40分のショーケース集「Echoed Body」を制作しした。
Meets KENPOKU 茨城県北芸術村推進事業 レジデンスアーティストとして公演主催
What triggers that movement?” Why does the body move the way it does?” These were the questions that Okamoto, who at the time was trying to broaden his focus from juggling to “create visuals that evoke emotions through movement,” held strongly.
Okamoto, who was assigned to live in Hitachi Taga City, Ibaraki Prefecture, as a resident artist, searched for “stimuli that would serve as a source of movement generation” in order to sublimate his role as a resident artist and the challenges he would face. One of the things he often heard from local residents was the case of a large chimney collapse in the city of Hitachi-Taga. The structure was the tallest in the world at the time, protecting the city from smoke damage, and was a symbol of the community when it collapsed at the end of its life. It seemed to me that there were various dynamics at work, including differences in temperature between generations.
The stories about it were collected from local residents, and the audio data was randomly played back from four radios placed on the stage. Based on the voice quality, tone of voice, and content of the stories, parameters such as intensity and speed of movement, shape of movement, physical condition, and emotion were set and choreographed.
His stance on choreography has remained consistent since that time: “Movement is not generated internally, but is only triggered by information and energy that comes from the outside. The 40-minute showcase “Echoed Body” was created around this performance.